our ministries

life groups

Come at 9:00 on Sunday for fellowship in the Common Grounds Coffee Shop, Life Groups start at 10:00. Visit the Welcome Center in the main lobby for assistance in finding a Life Group best suited to your needs.

 Life Groups are also available for Preschool, Children, Youth, and Seniors

click through our life groups to learn more

Coed Ages 20's - 30's

This is our New Young Married Class taught by Andrew Patterson, Home Improvement meets at 10 AM on Sunday Mornings as well as different activities for both the Couples and their entire families.

Co-ed  30's and Up

Family Matters is a Co-ed class that deals with family issues. Pastor Tim is our teacher and we have a discussion based class. We also do family style activities including winter tubing, festivals and game nights.


The Zoa LifeGroup includes individuals from all ages and backgrounds that like to delve deep into the Bible and study its application to our daily lives in the context of history, culture, science, and the perfection of God's Word. This group is led by Mark Patterson


Journey is a discussion-based class for men and women. It is taught by Mick Hitchcock, and has a desire to equip its members to navigate Life’s Journey through the lens of Scripture. 



Worship Center is a Senior Adult co-ed class taught by Leroy Lynn. Worship Center is Co-ed but you don’t have to be married to be part of this group. They love the lecture based structure of the Gospel Project and have activities and parties outside of Sunday Morning.

Women of Worth is our WOW Class. Joyce Speck teaches a ladies class that reaches both Adult Women and special needs adult women as well. In this combined setting ladies mentor and learn at the same time. This life group loves to get together for class parties and activities.


Survivors is a non-traditional Bible study for women who desire to celebrate the overcoming power of Jesus Christ in their life. This group is led by Rita Hines. The studies are Bible based topics, or books of the Bible.

Truth Seekers is a Co-Ed class taught by Amos Wieneke. It is geared towards those in their 40's - 50's. They have open discussion on Life Issues as it related through the Bible.

Mighty Men of Ministry is taught by Don Wilson and David Howard and is our Senior Adult men’s class. It uses Bible Studies for Life.  These Mighty Men enjoy lecture based teaching. The Mighty Men and Men’s Class get together monthly for breakfast and twice a month for prayer meeting.

Women Ages 66 - Up

Circle of Love is taught by Nancy Walters and Sue Wieneke, and is our senior adult ladies class. Circle of Love is a class that studies the Bible Studies for Life Curriculum. Circle of Love uses cards and Phone calls to keep up with members of the Class as well as church shut-in's. The Class also offers activities and events throughout the year.


Explorers is our newest adult class and taught by Dan Morris. Dan takes different books of the Bible from the Explore the Bible Curriculum and expounds on it in his class. 


Edge is our out of High School Class. Ed Henderson and his wife Lori teach this class. They meet both on Sundays at 10 and also Wednesday Evenings at 7. Edge also does activities during the week.

Women of Faith
The Women of Faith class is geared toward women who enjoy studying the Bible with other women. This is a multi-generational class that uses a curriculum that tackles real life issues and a variety of spiritual topics. The class is taught by Georgia Davis and Carla Fox.


Beginners Nursery

Children - Ages 0 - 2

Our nursery is designed to give your little ones a safe place to be during our main worship service. We spend time with them and teach them Biblical truths even at this age. Every child is checked in and checked out at our kids sign in station to ensure their safety. We also have a call system set up so that if your attention is needed, we can communicate with you. All of our workers have completed a background check as well as a "working with kids" application here at the church.


Children in K-1st Grade

Our Learners lifegroup is designed to share Biblical truths as they play, learn and grow together. 


Children in 2nd-3rd Grade

Our Solvers lifegroup is designed for children to dig into God's Word as they find, explain and solve Biblical truths together. 


Children 4th-5th grade

Our Impactors lifegroup is designed to be a place where children are equipped with God's Word to engage, impact, and serve others. 

Click Jr.

 K-1st Grade 

Click Jr begins the moment Lifegroups end. Your child is taken directly to their class and a whole program is presented. From songs, to a Bible lesson, games and snacks, your child will enjoy learning about Jesus!  Here the kids also practice songs in which they preform each quarter in "Big Church" up on the stage as a special music.


Children from 1st - 6th grade

C.L.I.C.K. is our children's worship program during the morning service.

The kids go directly from their lifegroups over to our HUB(Kids Room) where they enjoy a time of singing.  Each quarter these kids along with the Click Jr class preform their songs in "Big Church" for special music.  In Click the boys and girls are challenged from Gods word to live out their faith.  This is done through, scripture reading, lessons, memorization, all of which helps kids have a solid Biblical foundation for their faith. We also to activities that help us understand and apply  what we learned.  We also believe that every child needs the body of Christ as they try to grow up in their relationship with the Lord.  We focus a lot of time on fellowshipping together and encouraging and praying for one another.  


Preschool - Kindergarten & 1st - 6th Grades

KidZone will begin at 7:00 and go to 8:00PM on Wednesday nights. KidZone will offer different zones each week for Kids ages 3 thru 6th grade.

We are currently going through a series called "Life of Jesus." This helps kids learn the core truths from God's Word from the Gospels.

Kidzone offers special theme nights and activities year round for kids to enjoy. From giant inflatable, to escape rooms, to nerf battles, the kids will have plenty of opportunities to build life long friendships with one another.

sunday mornings at 10:00am

Beginners A- 0-2 years
Begginers B- 2-4 Years old
K-1st - learners
2nd-3rd - solvers
4th-5th - impactors

middle school

Revolution Students Ministries is for Students 7th-12th grade.

Our Mission at “The Link” middle school ministry is this:  That we would Love students and help them find their Identity in Christ.  That we would help them Navigate the trials of this life as they draw closer to the King.

When We Meet

Wednesday Nights@  7-8pm

Sunday Mornings @ 10-11pm

"Do all things without complaining or arguments; so that you will prove yourselves to be blameless and innocent, children of God above reproach in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you appear as lights in the world." - Philippians 2:14-15

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high school

Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ. For this I toil, struggling with all his energy that he powerfully works within me.
- Colossians 1:28-29

Our mission at Revolution Student Ministries is simple: "That the Gospel would go forth, Advancing throughout our schools and communities.  That we would Mobilize teenagers for the work of the Lord, Energizing them as they revolutionize the world around them".

We currently meet on Sunday mornings at 10:00 a.m. for large group discipleship and discussion on real issues and topics found in Scripture.  Some of this years topics are Identity/Self Esteem, an 8 week study of Ephesians, and the life of Jesus. 

On Wednesday night we have opened up the youth room from 6:30-7:00 for a time of video games, fellowship, music, and fun, outdoor games.  We start youth group off at 7:00 with a game or silly activity.  After games we meet for a time of teaching from God's word from Pastor Mark.  After our lesson we break up into small groups led by our amazing youth leaders.  We split up based off of age and gender and we discuss how we can apply what we learned form God's word to our everyday life.    

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The Senior Ministries at Crestview are designed to meet the spiritual and social needs of our senior saints. We have times of Biblical instruction along with a time set aside for food, fellowship, and fun. Some like to think of our seniors as being retired, but through these ministries we like to think of them as "re-fired" for the Lord!

The Gathering is our mid-week meeting taking place on Thursdays at 11:00 AM. Join us for a Biblical Discussion taught by Pastor Tim or Bro. Ron Coppock in the Reception Room. 

Triple L is our Senior Adult Ministry. Triple L stands for "Leaving a Lasting Legacy" This ministry meets each third Thursday for lunch and holds various activities throughout the year.

The Monthly Luncheon is on the third Thursday of each month.

It is directed by Gary Kite and Kim Kite 

grief share


Loss of Spouse Aug 18th from 2-4pm

Next Session Coming Soon

Mondays 6:30-8:00pm, Sep 9th-Nov 25th


Crestview Baptist Church 6600 Salem Ave Door 3


Cathy Middlestetter (937) 854 6300

Registration fee:

$20 includes workbook

GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. Losing a loved one is hard but you don’t have to go through the grieving process alone.



Sunday Life Groups: 10:00 a.m.

Sunday Worship: 11:00 a.m.

Wednesday Worship: 7:00 p.m.

The Gathering: Thursday 11:00 a.m.

RSM Students: Wednesday 6:45 p.m.

Kids Zone: 7:00-8:00 p.m.

We come together in a time of worship to praise God and draw us together in spiritual growth.

The music portion of our service features scripturally based songs using a blend of hymns and praise music covering a range of musical styles.  Our time of worship encourages congregational participation led by our Choir, Praise Team and Musicians.

Active participation is essential in the worship experience.  However, we realize that not everyone feels comfortable worshiping in the same manner.  So it makes no difference if you sit, stand, sing along, or just mediate on the words displayed on the screen. This worship time is designed for us to personally and corporately praise God, and to prepare our hearts and minds to be open to the message that the Holy Spirit has prepared for us through the preaching of our pastor.

So, if God has gifted you with a talent, then we encourage you to put it to use for His glory. If you play an instrument, sing, have an interest in sound or technical support, drama, or any other creative expression that can be used in worship, let us know so that we get you plugged into this ministry!

local missions

In the thirteenth chapter of the Gospel of John, it is recorded how Jesus washed the feet of His disciples. When it was Peter’s turn to receive the washing, it made him uncomfortable. He attempted to stop Jesus saying, “Thou shalt never wash my feet.” (v.8) But Jesus responded to him saying, “If I wash thee not, thou hast no part with me.”

After the Lord was finished, He asked them if they understood what He had done. He explained it saying, “Ye call me Master and Lord: and ye say well; for so I am. If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet; ye also ought to wash one another's feet. For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you. Verily, verily, I say unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord; neither he that is sent greater than he that sent him.” (John 13:13-16)

Through this passage we see Jesus teaching an important principle to all of His disciples: the value of service, even if it meant getting out of their comfort zone. As members of the Church, the Body of Christ, we are not above anyone else. Though we are “joint-heirs with Christ” (Romans 8:17) we are not better than our Lord who has given us this example of humble servitude towards others. It is through this principle that we are compelled and desirous to serve our surrounding area of Dayton, OH.

Listed below are just some of the ways that we have been able to engage with our community and serve with the love of Christ. And we continue to seek new opportunities to make Him known through our love for one another.


Crestview Baptist Church collects Boxes every year for OCC. 


Crestview engages our service community through a First Responders Breakfast every year in October to remember those who protect us.


Community Table provides Lunches to Local School Kids on the weekends. It is made up of many different Churches and Organizations. 

We have volunteers that help deliver food each week to the different Schools.

love packages

Crestview accepts donations for Love Packages, a ministry that sends Bibles and Sunday School supplies overseas. We also send all of our Sunday School Literature every quarter to them as well.

shoes 4 the shoeless

In 2021 with a Pandemic Going on, the need for kids to have shoes didn't stop. Crestview became partners with this Christian Organization and supports them monthly financially as well as sending volunteers to help fit shoes to area school children.

christmas backpacks

One of our newest ministries has been taking backpacks to students in Appalachia. This ministry not only takes backpacks to the students but gives out a gospel presentation to the students as well. We collect items throughout the school year.

bible study fellowship

In 2022 Crestview Began hosting a BSF Meeting for Women on Thursdays at 9:30 AM. This is a international organization that brings Christian Women of all walks and denominations together to study God's Word.

Missions Support and Offerings

Before Jesus ascended back to His Father, and after His resurrection, He left a command to His disciples, and all believers alive today: fulfill the Great Commission. Matthew 28:19-20 says, "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen."

One way that we obey this command is through our missions support. At Crestview Baptist Church, we do this through our prayers, our giving, and the use of our time, talents, and treasures aimed to win the lost for Christ. As a Southern baptist Church, we participate in the North American Missions Board, and specific missions offerings like the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering, the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering, and the Ray Roberts Offering which supports Ohio missions. 

When we give to the annual Annie Armstrong Easter Offering, for North American missions, we honor the life and work of Annie Walker Armstrong.  Annie was a tireless servant of God and an advocate of mission efforts throughout the world, Annie challenged churches to give, pray, and do more for reaching people for Christ.  The Annie Armstrong offering is a North American missions offering and 100% of this offering remains in the U.S. and Canada

The Lottie Moon Christmas Offering, is an international missions offering which supports Southern Baptist missionaries as they share the Gospel of Jesus Christ overseas. The offering represents 59 percent of IMB’s total income, and every penny you give to the offering goes directly to support missionaries. As Southern Baptists provide more resources, greater numbers of missionaries can be sent.

The Gospel of Jesus is impacting lives every day through Church Plants and other ministries in Ohio!  We can join in God's activity throughout the state by praying for and giving of our resources to help the more than 100 missionaries currently working in our Convention. The Ray Roberts offering is an Ohio missions offering and 100% of this offering remains in the great state of Ohio.

Tim Binns - Four 13 Church

We support this brand new church plant in the Carriage trails Community. Pastor Tim has been in Ministry over 20 years and recently worked at the State Convention of Baptists.


Fred Clement -One Family Church

Bro. Fred took over a Church that was dying and replanted as One Family Church. In 2023 we took on this church with Monthly Support.
